Trei reprezentanti ai asociatiei franceze “Roumain’ smile”, din Rouen, vor veni din nou la Onesti, la sfârsitul acestei saptamâni, si vor sta in municipiu pâna pe 27 martie. Asociatia franceza va fi reprezentanta, la Onesti, de presedintele Clementine Villette, vicepresedintele Clotilde Francois si trezorierul Anthony Gougeon, studenti la IFI-Groupe ESC Rouen. Francezii vor aduce si circa 850 de euro, bani necesari pentru a cumpara rechizite scolare pentru 38 de copii defavorizati din Onesti, aflati sub ocrotirea Asociatiei Nonguvernamentale Pentru Dezvoltare Comunitara (ANPDC) “Forum”, care a realizat parteneriate cu mai multe fundatii si organisme din Franta. Studentii francezi vor efectua vizite in oras, impreuna cu reprezentantii ANPDC “Forum”, si vor participa la activitati desfasurate de copiii defavorizati, cum ar fi lectiile la biblioteca si cursurile de desen. A fost programata si o conferinta de presa, cu reprezentantii celor doua fundatii, din Rouen si din Onesti.
The Association „I CAN” in partnership with Public School No. 4, Neptun-Mangalia is making a king appeal for you in order to financial assistance in view of Center of day for educational and social integration of children being in difficulty, which have like scope to reduce children desertion, school dereliction and family capability consolidation to pass the critical situation
The center goal is for 20 children from community, respectively, Mangalia district, identified by strict selection criteria, the children what become from underprivileged social medium, marginalised and having risk of social exclusion (they have parents with small revenue and unconstantly represented by children allocation, sickness pension, succeed pension, minimal salaries on economy, social assistance, drugs abuse and / or alchool, rehabilitation, recovering after sickness), children become from minority group social boundaried (expecially from gipsy ethnic, children abused and / or neglected, children from families with low level of education, children having the parents without professional qualification, they haven’t job or are in the chronic unemployment, children from families with limited educational access, children with problems as missing from school, pupils with low school performance and disturbance behaviour, also the children having the parents abroad and street childrens.
In the Center of day frame children have the oportunity of study, psychological counseling, social, juridical and medical counseling, in view of maximum childrens potential development.
Children are sustained in learning act and supervised during the school task preparation. Psychologist belong to the Center will offer support of orientation and counseling educational. In the teams of personal development, the psychologist following to impruve the children relationship with their parents, communication skill impruving and children problem solving. Social assistance service is following famillies evolution and explain about their benefit from state authorities or from others nongovernamentals organisations. Same time are assisted to lay down the files toward needed service. Free juridic sevice of counceling including speciality counceling for the children families being in dificulty. In the medical counceling frame, children benefit of educational activity having scope to protect and health mentain and periodical counsulting respecting their health stage.
Your kind effort is always highly appreciated